The University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science

Student Workers


Registration and payment process

With effect from 15 January 2018 the department will be taking part in a pilot for the myJobshop Agency. myJobshop is centralising the recruitment and payroll process for casual student workers and GTAs.

To claim for work completed in the department students are firstly required to register with the Jobshop, instructions for registering are below. Once registration is complete students can claim for hours worked by submitting weekly electronic timesheets accessible through the Jobshop site.

Step 1
Register on
Step 2
Booking offer emails will be sent out to students for work. Once the booking offer is received students will be asked to complete stage 2 of the registration. Please note that bookings cannot be accepted until students have completed the full online registration on myJobshop.
Step 3
Students must visit the Jobshop and take eligibility to work evidence, e.g. passport, BRP etc. The Student Jobshop is located in the Students’ Union.


Please ensure you complete all steps of the registration before engaging in any work.


Rates of Pay

The current Lab Demonstrator/GTA rate is £14.10 (as of 1 August 2017)


Demonstrating Allocation Guidelines for Staff

Who decides? Decisions about demonstrating are made by the Director of Teaching, and the Learning and Teaching Manager, under HOD direction.  Allocation decisions are dependent on the funding available which varies from year to year.

Default rules: No more than 0.5 hours of demonstrating per student. No demonstrators for modules with less than 15 students

Priority cases: Priority given to Year 1 and some MSc modules (especially Semester 1), particularly programming and maths modules (including subsidiary modules). Requests for demonstrators for marking at Level 1 (for rapid feedback)

Special cases: Special cases will always be considered - especially if based on Faculty advice or on a departmental initiative in a specific area. A new lecturer/lecturing team for a module may be considered a special case.



  1. Academics should get their level of demonstrating agreed by responding to requests from teaching admin staff, and, if possible, add a note of the demonstrators they would like to use if the demonstrating is approved.
  2. Please note that Demonstrators can only be PhD students who are not employed as RAs.
  3. Academics should discuss their marking schemes with their demonstrators.